Hello world

July 27th, 2022
1 minute read

Hello reader! It's my first blog post ever excluding the Blogger/Blogspot posts that I used to write solely for the purpose of using Google Ads and earning some money back in 2007. If you're wondering how much I made: 0$.


Anyhoo, I'm starting with these blog posts with the thought - you only really understand a topic well enough when you're able to explain it others. I would like to explore the tools and technologies out there and have this space to talk about it. Needless to say it's all going to be tech related. Although I won't promise it'll stay that way. And I also won't promise frequent blog posts.


What do I planning on blogging about?

  • Development guides/tutorials
  • Opinions
  • Commonly faced issues in development
  • New findings
  • Open source
  • And anything I feel like sharing!


Hoping to keep this practice up! 😅